A bridge at the Commonwealth Games in India collapsed, injuring dozens and raising questions about India's readiness to host the games, officials said. The Tuesday collapse of the footbridge at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, the main Games venue, came on the same day visiting officials called athletes' housing "uninhabitable," The New York Times reported.
Officials from the dozens of countries participating in the Games, a quadrennial competition among members of the Commonwealth of Nations, have been arriving in New Delhi in recent days to look at facilities and examine security measures. They called the athletes' village, built for the Games, "not ready" and expressed concerns about security after an attack on tourists in Delhi on Sunday.
In the bridge collapse, the footbridge broke into three pieces and pulled down an arch supporting it. The collapse injured 27 workers pouring concrete at the bridge, four of them seriously, police said. Athletes are scheduled to start arriving in Delhi on Thursday, but that date may need to be pushed back, Dave Currie, the head of New Zealand's Commonwealth Games team, said.